About Self Love Her First


I am Maria Hanna,  the radiant force behind Self-Love Her First—a single mompreneur who embarked on a transformative journey by unlocking the superpower of self-love. My path took an unexpected turn when I faced the profound challenges of battling depression triggered by the grief of losing both my parents within months of each other, particularly witnessing the devastating effects of Alzheimer's disease on my mother.

For me, self-love became more than a concept; it evolved into a lifeline—a profound regard for making my well-being a priority. I know that it is a transformative power that resides within each of us. In the face of adversity, I took a solemn vow and made a commitment to prioritize my well-being and happiness daily. This commitment ignited a love affair with self-care; nurturing of my mind, soul, and body.

"Life is a journey where you create your happiness."

In the course of my caregiving journey for my mom, I discovered a profound connection with walking—it became my therapy. Putting on my walking shoes became a transformative act as covering miles each day released endorphins, bringing joy and positivity into my life. Along with prayer, meditation and Affirmations. Because I could not get out much I indulge in buying items for my Self-Care at home. Treating myself to little gifts to celebrate myself. Doing whatever it took to keep showing myself, tender love and care.  Self-Love is the driving force behind prioritizing my well-being and happiness. 
Our Mission
A place to uncover the essence of self-love, embrace self-care, nurture your mind, uplift your soul, adorn, pamper and take care of your body. 💖
I am all about the FEELS—my mission is to provide more than just products; I aim to offer items that evoke a sense of heartfelt gifts for women. Our diverse range encompasses selections from health, wellness, and beauty brands, along with some custom merchandise curated intended to feel like a thoughtful gift, encouraging women to prioritize self-care, self-love and wellness as an essential component of their journey towards a fulfilling life.

Thank you for stepping into Shop Self Love Her First. 

I extend my deepest gratitude to you for browsing, referring, shopping, and supporting. Your self-care journey fueled by self-love and happiness is uniquely yours, and I am thrilled to be a part of it. Together, let's continue the journey of self-care that is self-love and celebrate the beauty that lies within each and every one of us. 

With love and gratitude,
Maria Hanna